How it’s made

This website is statically generated on my computer using jekyll and uploaded to my webserver using rsync. This allows me many of the conveniences of a CMS without requiring the use of backend scripting (such as PHP). This was more of an issue for me when I hosted this site on servers at UNM. An additional benefit is that jekyll gives me very low-level control over the creation of the HTML, so I can make attempts to be more standards-compliant than some other systems.

I have made use of several pieces of code in addition to the standard jekyll distribution. For interpreting Markdown I prefer to use pandoc for its extended Markdown syntax and ability to display math with MathJax. In order to accomplish this I use the jekyll-pandoc plugin. The fix from this thread allows me to view my pages both locally and online, which again was more important on the UNM servers when my homepage did not reside at the root of the domain that was serving it. For the Atom and RSS feeds I use templates put together by Dave Coyle.

If there is anything on my site you are curious to see the source for, I have a public Git repository with all my source files.