It dawned on me today that when I refer to the single-qubit Pauli group there are several different groups to which I could be referring.

Take the group generated by the Pauli matrices: σx\sigma_x, σy\sigma_y, and σz\sigma_z. Multiplying these together in different combinations yields the Pauli matrices, together with the identity, multiplied by factors of ±1\pm1 and ±i\pm i. This is a group with 16 elements, and masquerades under the name C4D4\mathrm{C}_4\circ \mathrm{D}_4 on GroupNames, though happily Pauli group is given as one of its aliases.

This is very nice. However, it’s also useful to think of the Pauli group as a finite-dimensional version of the Heisenberg group. This group is generated by σx\sigma_x and σz\sigma_z, and has only 8 elements: {±1,±σx,±σz,±iσy}\{\pm1,\pm\sigma_x,\pm\sigma_z,\pm i\sigma_y\}. It’s sometimes notated He2\mathrm{He}_2, and is isomorphic to the Dihedral group D4\mathrm{D}_4.

In quantum mechanics, one usually thinks of the unitaries that act on a qubit as elements of the special unitary group SU(2)\mathrm{SU}(2). The way we’ve constructed the previous two Pauli groups as groups of matrices gives us many matrices with non unit determinant—for example, det(σx)=1\mathrm{det}(\sigma_x)=-1. If we instead take the group generated by iσxi\sigma_x and iσzi\sigma_z, we get the subgroup of C4D4\mathrm{C}_4\circ\mathrm{D}_4 with unit determinant, which is known as the quaternion group Q8\mathrm{Q}_8, since Pauli matrices with iis in front of them behave just like the ii, jj, and kk elements of the quaternions.

But that’s not all! Even the special unitaries have some redundancy, since the element 1-1 only puts a phase on quantum states, which is a trivial action. If we want the group of actions the Pauli matrices perform on quantum states, we need to remove this trivial action to get a subgroup of the projective unitary group PU(2)\mathrm{PU}(2). This means identifying the matrices in the quaternion group that differ only by a minus sign (or, equivalently, identifying the matrices in C4D4\mathrm{C}_4\circ\mathrm{D}_4 that differ by a complex phase), and gives us an abelian group with four elements, known as the Klein four-group and notated several ways including V4\mathrm{V}_4 and C22\mathrm{C}_2^2

So, next time you hear someone mention the single-qubit Pauli group, make sure to ask them which single-qubit Pauli group they have in mind!